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“10 Biggest Golf Swing Killers”



For years popular instruction has espoused adopting a golf posture with a “sitting-on-a-barstool” look.

That golf posture, however, places a lot of mass behind your heels. It’s very difficult to move athletically from such a position, because the tendency is to compensate by rocking toward your toes during the backswing as you search for balance.

Adopt the setup at far right. Address the ball with your hips over your ankles, which will prevent you from rocking your weight back and forth.

Instead of picturing yourself sitting on a barstool, imagine that you’re looking over a picket fence. That’ll fix any balance and weight issues


Swinging the Club Inside out Graphics

Check the images above, the pro (green) has kept the shaft parallel to the target line during the takeaway.

This contrasts the killer takeaway move, which is to whip the club “inside” the target line.

When this happens, you’ll be late in lifting the club to the top, a precursor to coming over the top on the way down (hello, slice).

To fix it, lay a golf alignment stick on the ground just in front of your toes.


Overly Shut Clubface Graphic

A seemingly logical solution for golfers who want a square face at impact is to not let the face rotate open in the takeaway.

The problem is that doesn’t work, and will almost guarantee you have a harder time squaring the face when it counts — down at impact.

Trying to keep your club face pointing at the ground or the ball will force you hands and arms to do things that will hinder you later in the backswing and make squaring the face in the downswing extremely difficult.

Instead allow the club to open a bit as you swing the club back. A good rule of thumb to look for the face to be point parallel or just slightly less than parallel to the ground at this point in the backswing. Do that, and you’ll start to develop a backswing motion that will make your downswing simpler and more consistent.


Fishing Golf Depth Graphic

Trying to pull your lead arm deep behind you early in the backswing is a trend we see cause a lot of issues.

Our two golfers here are at left arm parallel in the backswing. Notice how the amateur has more than doubled his left arm depth compared to our pro. This tends to cause a loss of width and an overly bent right arm as you reach the top.

When that happens, your rotation will suffer and you’ll be forced to make several compensations in your downswing.

Instead, try to preserve as much width as possible going back allowing your turn to take care of the depth. You’ll have a much more powerful downswing when you do it.


Collapsing Trail Arm in Golf

Nearly all the pros Webb and Granato studied measured between 55 and 85 degrees of right-arm bend at the top of the backswing.

By comparison, most of the amateurs they’ve captured fall between 95 and 125 degrees.

That’s a big power leak. Your right arm is a major acceleration source at the start of the downswing, and the straighter you keep it on the way back, the more likely you’ll increase your shoulder turn (another power source).

Webb and Granato report that students who worked on keeping their trail arm straighter picked up an additional 30 degrees of shoulder rotation — even those aged 65 and older!


Making a “Level” Turn Golf Graphic

Hitting a golf ball would be much easier if it was teed up at waist height — you’d simply turn in place and smash it.

But because the ball is on the ground, you need the aforementioned turn and tilting to help you create leverage in your swing and better position your body to drive down for a powerful impact.

To get the feel you’re after is at the top, check that your belt buckle is tilted, not level. That’s a powerful place from which to deliver the club to the back of the ball.


Golf Late-Loading Backswing Graphic

For more distance, you’ve probably heard the advice “complete your backswing” or “load into your right side.”

Those are all true, but when you load makes the difference.

Notice how both of our golfers have shifted their lower bodies to the right when the club is parallel to the ground in their backswings. That’s both golfers “loading” into their right sides, and that’s good!

It’s what happens next that separates the pros and the amateurs.

The amateur continues to move off the ball into the top. The pro has reversed his move off the ball and has shifted himself back to just slightly forward of where he started at address. That’s how you should “completing your backswing”: by shifting towards the target slightly.

The downswing lasts just under .25 seconds. The amateur has a tremendous amount of ground to cover laterally in that tiny window of time. The pro has much less to cover allowing him to rotate better and deliver the club more consistently time after time.

So for more distance, make sure you load early, then re-center yourself by the time you reach the top of your backswing.


Thrusting Your Hips Golf Graphic

Hip thrusting is probably the most damaging of all common swing errors. It might seem like a downswing issue, but it’s actually caused by the way you move your hips during your backswing.

Webb and Granato map the position of the center of the pelvis on their students’ swings.

Golfers who end up thrusting invariably rotate around their trail hip on the backswing (far left), which in turn forces them to thrust toward the ball on the way down.

Copy what the pros do, which is to rotate around the pelvic center (far right). You won’t thrust — and the ball won’t know what hit it.


Passive Arms

Passive-Arms Golf Club Graphics

An alarming trend we see with golfers is the idea to have passive arms at the start of their downswings. It’s a damaging idea for several reasons, but one of the biggest is that it has a negative impact on the direction the hands travel (or the hand path) from the top of the swing.

Above you’ll see the club movements here from a typical pro and amateur golfer. We’ve removed the body images to highlight the club’s movements. One club is at the top of each swing, the other is when they are at left arm parallel in the downswing.

One thing we see all the time from pros is that their hand paths start sharply downward on the downswing (see “Start Direction” arrow) and then begin to curve slightly outward as the body turn ramps up.

Compare that to the opposite movement we see so often from am golfers. Because they’re trying to be passive or leave the hands up, the start direction moves out towards the ball. This causes a hand path that starts out then curves down. That’s a big problem for rotation and club face control, and a major swing killer.


Lag is one of those things that every golf swing should have, but how you go about creating it makes all the difference.

Think of lag as the angle between the shaft and your left arm. The smaller the angle, the more lag you have. But as you can see from our two golfers, not all lag is the same.

The am above actually has more lag than the most famous modern-day lager in golf — but it doesn’t look like it.

To create more lag, our amateur golfer had to cup his left wrist. The pro is doing the opposite. Which creates less lag angle but more of the look of lag because he is now able to shallow the shaft. A shallow shaft will always LOOK like it has more lag than a steep/vertical shaft.

Also note that by flattening his left wrist (rather than cupping it), the pro has begun squaring his face very early in the downswing. A must for delivering all the benefits associated with lag.







In this video Paul explains the correct golf impact and how to square the club face. This is one of the toughest things in golf for people to do although it is a very simple cure. The explanation of this is very easy for anyone to understand. I will also show you some golf impact drills that will give you instant feedback as to if you are doing it correctly. This is one of the most important lessons in golf and will definitely make you a better player.

Most people that play golf are always trying to square the clubface. This is so tough to do and not many players are hitting the ball square or hitting their shots off line. If you do not hit the ball square then your shots are never consistent. So if you want to play your best golf you need to learn how to get to the best golf impact position.

Most people try to make this a very complicated thing, with using tools such as the golf impact bags, while in fact it is quite simple. All you have to do at about 2 feet after contact with irons or 3 feet after contact with woods stretch both arms out as far as they can go. If you start with both arms fully extended and then return them to the same position just after impact you will return the clubface to a square position.

The best drill to do to feel this position is to hit shots and extended both arms after you hit the ball. This will produce the feeling of your arms stretching out. By getting your arms to stretch out this makes your golf sing also very consistent. Your arms are only so long so you will make the same arc on your swing every time.

Squaring the clubface will make the game more enjoyable. Hitting the ball straighter and longer will definitely improve your current game. Of all the students that I have taught, this helps them hit the ball straight. From now on you never have to think about golf impact but actually after contact to hit the ball well.



The 5-minute slice fix is a 3-part drill from golf instructor Hank Haney. It will re-route your golf swing and get you hitting draws. It’s as easy as starting with a simple clockwise circle.


You see a lot on TV about rotation to gain more distance with your driver. And, yes, rotation is a speed generator. However, if you don’t understand the basic lever system and how the L-to-L works, you’ll never hit the ball very far.

Work on the L-to-L with your right foot back and build the foundation for generating speed with your driver.




What’s the biggest mistake golfers make with their footwork?

In this video we’ll tackle that issue and give you the drill to fix it. With this simple golf drill you can get more power, distance and control with your golf shots and shoot lower scores.

Now it’s time to reap all the benefits of better footwork in your golf swing. Why the early footwork is so beneficial to your swing and why it’s going to produce better ball striking.



SKLZ Golf Alignment Sticks 3-Pack




If you have problems with slicing the golf ball, chances are you make 1 or more of these golf backswing mistakes.

The backswing in golf is one of the most scrutinized areas in golf, and often is also incorrectly taught. In this video on backswing mistakes, we look at some of the most common problems, including why they may be leading you to slice the golf ball. We also give you a simple drill that only needs a ball to help cure all 3 backswing mistakes we identify!

There are 3 common backswing mistakes that we see on a regular basis from amateur golfers and weekend warriors:

#1 – open club face at the top of the backswing

#2 – Elbow separation/chicken wing

#3 – Bad turn, arms separate from body

If one (or more) of these fits the bill for you, this video will help you fix these problems and get you on your way to hitting better shots and enjoying the game more!


Tour Striker Smart Ball 

Tour Striker Smart Ball

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3 Power Leaks 

Hitting a nice solid drive is one of the most rewarding feelings in golf. Unfortunately for most casual golfers, getting the most out of your ball off the tee happens rather infrequently. What might you be doing in your golf swing to be leaking power and losing yards? PGA Professional Todd Kolb discusses 3 common power leaks for amateur golfers, including why each is happening and what you might want to do to fix them.

Angle of Attack – hitting up on the golf ball vs. hitting down
Unless you have world class club speed, there is a good chance that if you hit down on the golf ball at impact, you are already losing yards off the tee

Moving off the golf ball – pressure vs. weight
Pressure on the feet–or what you may refer to as weight–moving or swaying off the golf ball to try to get behind the ball. How might this be affecting your driver distance?

Poor Transition – the move from backstroke to downstroke
Knowing the concepts of a proper transition–as well as how you might be leaking power with a poor transition–can help you gain distance off the tee.



Mastering Your Iron Shot

Mastering the iron shot begins with the proper weight shift in your golf swing.

This lesson will help you hit your irons solid, accurate and with more power everytime!

