
Many golfers learned the game on their own or through some tips from a friend who has played the game before and undoubtedly has developed some bad habits. Either with their grip or their swing, the mechanics they have been using will make it difficult for them to ever become a good golfer. In order to break some of those habits they may need a golf training aid to help change the way they have been playing the game.

In some cases simply playing shot pieces of plastic pipe on the ground, about four-inches apart, with the ball in the middle, can help a golfer learn to swing straight. Having the club head level and straight at the time of impact allows the ball to fly straighter and with the use of this simple golf training aid the strike can be evened out. The initially follow through, that is within the first two feet after striking the ball determines the ball’s flight path.

By using a similar golf training aid elevated slightly off the ground, the golfer can learn to keep the club head in a straight motion through the swing past the initial point of impact. It is highly recommended to use lightweight plastic pipe or some soft material if making your own golf training aid, as striking it with the club will be inevitable.

Help Available To Keep Swing Paths Even

Most golfers have difficulty keeping their down swing on the same path as the upswing, which is what causes the ball to either hook or slice. There are some crazy looking golf training aids that help a golfer to remember the path and prevent sending errant hits into the woods or the next fairway over. There is a golf training aid that resembles to circles of plastic pipe, set about six-inches apart, in which the golfer swings the club head.

During the back swing, it is easy to keep the head inside the circle but when the club is brought back down, the player usually finds it hitting the circles on one side or the other, indicating the impact on the ball with either be with the head going to one side. By using this golf training aid repeatedly, the body can learn to remember the swing pattern.

Even a home video camera can be used as a golf training aid, by filing yourself hitting several balls while filing from the back, side and front. By reviewing the video and where the ball went, it can offer tips on how to correct your swing.


Source by Ian Botham

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