
Are you after a better golf swing, but you have no idea how to get there? You are just like many golfers looking for a better way to play golf and more enjoyment out of every round of golf. If you want to improve your golf swing, then keep reading.

The mental side of golf is probably the most important part of golf. Golf is about 90% mental. If you step up to the ball with a bad shot in mind, then you will hit a bad shot. If you step up to a shot and you are afraid of putting it in the trees on the right, then you will probably end up in the trees on the right.

You have to learn how to picture the perfect shot. The golf swing will come naturally and you will hit better shots once you fix the mental part of your golf game. You have to learn how to concentrate on the shot and the task at hand. You can not be worried about what you did with the last shot or the last hole or how you hit the club you are getting ready to hit the last time you hit it.

You have to get control of your mental golf game in order to have a better golf swing. You have to be able to block out vehicles passing by, other golfers talking, bugs making noise, and any other noise that might happen in your back swing or during your set up. This is very important and you just have to continuously practice in order to get this down. Some golfers will go to a crowded range and practice as if they were on the course while blocking out all the conversations and other golfers on the range. This is great mental practice.

You are controlled by your last most dominant thought 99% of the time. If you think it, typically, you will try to make it happen. So if you walk up to the tee box and you are thinking about slicing the ball, then you will most likely slice the ball. You have to put all your fears aside, all your negative thoughts aside, and think of the perfect shot. If a negative shot sneaks into your head, then step away and reapproach the ball.

So, in order to gain a better golf swing you will need to work on your mental golf game. The mental side of golf is far more important than the physical side of golf so practice on a crowded range and teach yourself how to picture the perfect shot every single time you step up to the ball.


Source by Benjamin R. Ehinger

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