Ben Hogan’s Magic Elbow Move

This Ben Hogan Magic Elbow Move comes from his book Five Lessons, The Modern Fundamentals of Golf.

More specifically, in the Stance section, Ben Hogan discusses the importance of tucking in the trail elbow to allow it to stay glued to his side” in the golf swing.

Ben Hogan’s “elbow tucking” setup serves many important purposes:

1. It allows the golf club to travel on the same path every single time for a consistent, automatically repeating golf swing with amazing golf ball striking.
2. It creates an automatic wrist hinge and stores up power in the trail arm in the backswing – for powerful golf ball striking.
3. It stores power and lag on the downswing – preventing casting and early extension in the process and opening up room to hit really clean golf shots.
4. It allows the trail arm to powerfully FIRE through the golf ball after impact – sending all of your energy through the ball without wasting any power and creating amazing golf ball striking feelings.
5. It prevents slices and ultimately fixes the slice because the elbow staying tucked prevents the club from swinging over the top in the downswing.
6. It helps keep the lead, left arm straight in the golf swing for crispy, clean contact and improve your golf ball striking.
7. It allows for EFFORTLESS POWER because of the trail arm loading I mentioned earlier.
8. It promotes a proper inward hand path and prevents golfers from lifting their arms increasing consistency and power and improving golf ball striking.

There are SO MANY MORE BENEFITS in this Ben Hogan golf ball striking tip that I don’t have enough time to list all of them!


The Modern Fundamentals of Golf:

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