
Golfing is becoming one of the most popular recreational sports. We play golf when doing business deals, as much as we do it for fun. Regardless of how great you may be at the game, there is always room for improvement. Fortunately, the following golf tips will help you to lower your golf score and increase the fun!

1. Your Stance is perhaps the most important aspect of the game. The right stance can save you many golf related injuries and back pains as well as give you that extra oomph to make that drive go a little further. Relax and bend at the waist or the hips, not at the knee. This is not easy at first, but with practice, you will master it.

2. Practicing your putting is also important. As many of the pros say “you don’t win golf games with the drive, you win it on the green”. Practicing at mini golf venues is a great way to get some control of your putts and to anticipate potential complications when taking your shots.

3. You grip is another aspect of your game that needs attention. People often hold on to their clubs too loosely or too tightly. Again, you have to relax when you hold you club. There is a common technique that works wonders. Interlocking your fingers is a popular way to hold your club. No matter what, you will want to find a grip that works best for you. You want your grip to be loose enough to be flexible at the wrist without splicing the ball. If your wrist hurts when you swing, you should try another grip.

4. The terrain is one of things that many golfers forget. You want to know as much about the ground flaws and fluctuations of a golf course as possible so that you can avoid small but costly mistakes that often lose a golf game and force more putts.

5. Squaring the shoulders is another way that many great golfers play. Taking your swings with squared shoulders is more comfortable when driving or putting and it gives you more control.

6. Practice swinging with your eyes closed. This may sound silly, but if you can reach the hole with your eyes closed, imagine what you can do with them open. This practicing technique helps you to visualize every aspect of the game and keep you focused. It is a great training technique of the pros.

7. Don’t forget to warm up before playing. This will keep you loose and help to avoid injuries. People often ignore the need to warm up and/or stretch when playing golf because they assume that it is a low impact sport. This is not true as golfing requires much travel and the stretching of any muscles when you make a good shot.

Finally, remember that golf is just a game, so have fun! And hopefully these golf tips can help you to lower your score. One last thing: practicing in adverse weather conditions can work wonders for your sense of control. So practice in the rain whenever it’s possible. Doing this can increase your drives and putts immensely. Have fun!


Source by Aden Ten

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