
To become a successful golfer your mental aspect of golf should be at par. The mental side of golf plays a very important role at the golf course because the quality of each shot or swing that you make certainly depends upon your state of mind when you are standing over the ball. When at the course, you have to take various decisions regarding which shot to play, when to go for it, etc. The importance of mental golf toughness for the professional golfer goes far beyond the area of decision-making. Your swing actually reflects your state of mind.

If your mental approach to golf is not up to the required level, all the mental golf tips and training aids in the world can’t help. So to make good swings consistently you need to know how to be confident, stay relaxed and deal with pressure.

Being Confident

You must be confident to stay relaxed. Don’t get frightened even by the most daunting and unusual situations. Use your familiarity with the golf course to your advantage. Stick to your routine and play to your strengths. When a golfing great was asked about his mental golf routine before his shots during the tournament he simply said that he tried to remember the best shot that he had ever hit in his life. This is profound golf logic – while the first part is a great mental golf relaxation technique; the second part of the statement is a confidence-builder.

Stay Relaxed

It has been observed by mental golf experts that the human body can only perform at its best when it is relaxed. Physical relaxation helps to reduce muscle tension, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and a wider range of motion. You will feel good if you try to swing a golf club with your muscles flexed. Even a minute of muscle tension in your arms can change the arc and tempo of your swing. Relaxation can be difficult to sustain. Training aids for your mental golf game can be very useful in between rounds.

Deal With Pressure

The right way to deal with pressure in your mental golf game is not to sidestep it, but to use it to your advantage. The right amount of pressure can allow you to lift your game and rise to the occasion. While the professional golfer will see a tight situation as an opportunity to succeed a player with weak mental golf game will most likely choke. Remember the toughest golfers are those who are toughest mentally.


Source by John Davenport

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