
Every golfer wants to maximize their golf driving distance, it’s a fantastic thrill to see your ball shooting down the fairway. Possibly a greater thrill is out driving your companions, it’s a human condition to be the best.

The golf drive is one of the most talked about aspects of the game and for the manufacturers of golf clubs, a highly profitable one. It seems as though a new driver promising extra yards, straighter drives and more power is released every week.

The problem for golfers of every age and ability is which club to choose. I say “not one of them!”

Tiger Woods is possibly the worlds greatest ever golfer but even if you swapped his Nike clubs for a budget set of irons from Walmart he will still be number one. The average golfer will not get any significant increase in their golf distance simply by buying new clubs.

If new clubs are not the answer, then what is? The fastest, and dare I say it? the cheapest way to gain a dramatic improvement in how far you can hit a golf ball is by improving your technique.

Tip One: Practice your set up, you can do this without a ball or even a club, just take the time to find the balance within you. Take your stance as though you are about to take a shot and then mentally go through your body and become aware of where your center of gravity is. A powerful drive needs a firm foundation and so your balance must be right.

Tip Two: Hover your driver behind your ball. If you allow the club head to rest upon the ground at set-up the first thing that you will do is tense your forearms as you begin the takeaway. If you hover the driver you have already taken the weight and you will draw the club back more smoothly.

Tip Three: A recurring theme of mine is “Do not hit the ball!”. This ludicrous sounding statement is a matter of focus. By putting your focus on hitting the ball you are losing huge amounts of power to your golf swing because your brain will cause you to slow down just when you should be speeding up. Concentrate on allowing your arms, body and legs to turn completely to a balanced finish position and this will let you maximize the power of your drive through the ball.

I hope these few tips will help you to get your maximum golf driver distance and make you a longer and more accurate golfer.


Source by Norman Stanley

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