Momentus Speed Whoosh Golf Swing Trainer


Recognized by top players on the PGA Tour as the fastest way to increase club head speed.

The Speed Whoosh will increase your club head speed instantly and give you the sense of the perfect release every time.

Hear, See and Feel the proper release with the one-of-a-kind Magnetic Sliding Timing Ball. Eliminates casting and coming over the top for the perfect release every time.



Momentus Speed Whoosh Golf Swing Trainer

The Speed Whoosh works 2 ways it increases club head speed, resulting in more distance & the proprietary Magnetic Timing Ball improves timing.

The Speed Whoosh is a revolutionary club head speed accelerator that activates the fast twitch muscle fibers to swing the club 7-10 mph faster after only 6 swings!  

The Magnetic Timing Ball slides down the shaft to perfect your timing and eliminates the tendency most golfers have to cast the club from the top.

Swings 20 plus miles per hour faster than your own driver.

Add 21-30 yards in carry distance with your driver after only 6 swings with the Speed Whoosh.


Momentus Speed Whoosh     Momentus Speed Whoosh    Momentus Speed Whoosh.

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